Fire Stopping

What is Fire Stopping?
Fire Stopping is typically used in buildings to prevent the spread of a fire. The fire is contained by creating fire resistant compartments throughout the building, either horizontally or vertically, which subdivide the building.
In addition, it must be ensured that buildings are fire stopped to restrict both vertical and lateral fire spread. This is done by fire stopping all openings and gaps within a building.
As stated by Wikipedia, A fire stop is a passive fire protection system made up of various components and used to seal openings and joints in a fire-resistance-rated wall or floor assembly. Penetrating cables are known as multi-cable transits (MCTs). Firestops are designed to fireproof a wall or floor assembly, impeding the spread of fire and smoke by blocking openings with fire-resistant materials.

Why You Need Fire Stopping
The typical buildings which are being erected today contain significant more amounts of combustible products or materials than what's been previously built. According to, modern building fires develop and spread at a rate of around 5 to 10 times faster than buildings have in the past. This of course means the priority in order to protect the building, or stop a fire if one should breakout, is imperative in this modern era.
With new buildings, construction companies invest heavily in piping, HVAC ducts, and other fixings which pass through compartment aspects of the property. This creates "weak spots" in the building where gases, smoke and flames can spread when not properly handled, or protected.

Load-Bearing Compound Fire Seals
Inadequate protection around service risers can put buildings at risk of fire spread. Load-bearing fire compounds are specially formulated with a gypsum-based compound. When set the compound becomes hard with a white matt finish and reinstates the fire ratings of walls and floors depending on specification from the client.
At Brexons we work closely with some of the leading manufacturers and products. Brexons are third party accredited for application of compound fire seals. For more information contact or team.

Batt & Mastic Seals
Any surfaces that penetrate a fire wall will result in a spread of fire and smoke. Batt and Mastic Seals provide an innovative air seal barrier to keep fire out, but sound and heat in. Following the latest industry guidelines we can incorporate deflection that the surfaces have going through penetrations.
Here at Brexons we work closely with leading manufacturers. Our team are the third party accredited for all passive fire protection works.

Graphite's are high specification formulas designed to prevent the spread of fire, smoke and harmful gasses through an opening situated in fire-rated walls and floors.
Graphite's expand when they are subjected to heat to close openings around penetrations when combustible or materials with low melting temperatures burn away. In the event of a fire the material crushes the pipe or trunking, sealing off this area and maintaining the integrity, which comes in handy in multiple service penetration and cable bunches.

Fire Stop Pipe Wrap
Pipe Wraps are designed for installation around plastic piping or trunking passing through fire resistant structures such as walls and doors. During the primary construction phase of a product, i.e. casting floors, an additional tolerance is in built to enable the fitting of Pipe Wrap once the mechanical and electrical services have been installed.
In the event of a fire the contained intumescent material rapidly expands and crushes the pipe or trunking, sealing off this area and maintaining the integrity.

Linear Joint Seals
Flexible linear joint seals within wall cavities and voids are important in reducing the damaging effects of fire and smoke. Joint seals are designed to accommodate structural movement whilst maintaining fire performance of walls and floors.
Here at Brexons, we work with leading manufacturers and are the third party accredited for the installation of linear joint seals.